Flexible Headband Covers
Choose your headphone design and 3D print them using Ninjaflex Cheetah filament.
- Cat ears headband
- Unicorn horn headband
- Mouse ears headband
- Horns headband
- LEGO compatible headband
NinjaFlex Slice Settings
Use the following settings for printing Ninjaflex Cheetah filament.
- 230C nozzle temperature
- 50C heated bed
- 0.4mm line width extrusion
- 2 shell count
- 5 top and bottom layers
- 40-45mm printing speed
- 0% infill
- Retraction: 1mm (Direct Drive)
- Retraction: off (Bowden Drive)
- Retraction Speed: 30mm/s
- Combing Mode: Off
Design Set
Additional designs include a 2x16 LEGO compatible flexible base.
Headband featuring a Blinka typeface for fans of CircuitPython and Blinka.
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