Download Project Bundle
Once you've installed the latest version of CircuitPython onto your board, you'll need to grab the code, libraries and any assets included with the project.
Click the download button below to get the code, libraries and assets all in one!
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 John Park for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import os import board import displayio from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Pull from adafruit_matrixportal.matrix import Matrix from adafruit_debouncer import Debouncer SPRITESHEET_FOLDER = "/bmps" DEFAULT_FRAME_DURATION = 0.1 # 100ms AUTO_ADVANCE_LOOPS = 3 FRAME_DURATION_OVERRIDES = { "three_rings1-sheet.bmp": 0.15, "hop1-sheet.bmp": 0.05, "firework1-sheet.bmp": 0.03, } # --- Display setup --- matrix = Matrix(bit_depth=4) sprite_group = displayio.Group() matrix.display.root_group = sprite_group # --- Button setup --- pin_down = DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_DOWN) pin_down.switch_to_input(pull=Pull.UP) button_down = Debouncer(pin_down) pin_up = DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_UP) pin_up.switch_to_input(pull=Pull.UP) button_up = Debouncer(pin_up) auto_advance = True file_list = sorted( [ f for f in os.listdir(SPRITESHEET_FOLDER) if (f.endswith(".bmp") and not f.startswith(".")) ] ) if len(file_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No images found") current_image = None current_frame = 0 current_loop = 0 frame_count = 0 frame_duration = DEFAULT_FRAME_DURATION def load_image(): """ Load an image as a sprite """ # pylint: disable=global-statement global current_frame, current_loop, frame_count, frame_duration while sprite_group: sprite_group.pop() filename = SPRITESHEET_FOLDER + "/" + file_list[current_image] # CircuitPython 6 & 7 compatible bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(open(filename, "rb")) sprite = displayio.TileGrid( bitmap, pixel_shader=getattr(bitmap, 'pixel_shader', displayio.ColorConverter()), tile_width=bitmap.width, tile_height=matrix.display.height, ) # # CircuitPython 7+ compatible # bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(filename) # sprite = displayio.TileGrid( # bitmap, # pixel_shader=bitmap.pixel_shader, # tile_width=bitmap.width, # tile_height=matrix.display.height, # ) sprite_group.append(sprite) current_frame = 0 current_loop = 0 frame_count = int(bitmap.height / matrix.display.height) frame_duration = DEFAULT_FRAME_DURATION if file_list[current_image] in FRAME_DURATION_OVERRIDES: frame_duration = FRAME_DURATION_OVERRIDES[file_list[current_image]] def advance_image(): """ Advance to the next image in the list and loop back at the end """ # pylint: disable=global-statement global current_image if current_image is not None: current_image += 1 if current_image is None or current_image >= len(file_list): current_image = 0 load_image() def advance_frame(): """ Advance to the next frame and loop back at the end """ # pylint: disable=global-statement global current_frame, current_loop current_frame = current_frame + 1 if current_frame >= frame_count: current_frame = 0 current_loop = current_loop + 1 sprite_group[0][0] = current_frame advance_image() while True: if auto_advance and current_loop >= AUTO_ADVANCE_LOOPS: advance_image() button_down.update() button_up.update() if button_up.fell: auto_advance = not auto_advance if button_down.fell: advance_image() advance_frame() time.sleep(frame_duration)
Upload Code, Libraries and Assets
Unzip the project bundle and upload the files to the CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should look like this after you've uploaded the code, libraries and assets.
Modify Code
To make the bitmaps display properly on the 32x32 RGB matrix display, look for the following code and update.
You'll also need to update the pins for the Up and Down buttons – These aren't used in this project but you'll need to update them in order to run the code.
# --- Display setup --- matrix = Matrix(bit_depth=6, width=32) sprite_group = displayio.Group() matrix.display.root_group = sprite_group # --- Button setup --- pin_down = DigitalInOut(board.D4) pin_down.switch_to_input(pull=Pull.UP) button_down = Debouncer(pin_down) pin_up = DigitalInOut(board.A0) pin_up.switch_to_input(pull=Pull.UP) button_up = Debouncer(pin_up)
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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