We have a library with example code ready to go for use with these TFTs. The library is not incredibly fast and optimized but its a good start and can easily be ported to other micrcontrollers. However, we'll assume you're using an Arduino.
Two libraries need to be downloaded and installed: the TFTLCD library and the GFX library. You can install these libraries through the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it:
If using an older Arduino IDE (pre-1.8.10), do the same for Adafruit_BusIO (newer versions do this one automatically).
Then search for the Adafruit TFTLCD library and install it:
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at:
//comment or uncomment the next line for special pinout! #define USE_ADAFRUIT_SHIELD_PINOUT
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