The project is broken into 4 helper classes which are utilized by the script rather than having all of the game logic exist directly inside of This helps make the code more understandable and allows for more easy re-use if you'd like to make your own version of the game with different features of functionality.
The Entity class is a super class that gets extended by both the Player and Ghost classes. You can think of Entity like a TileGrid that comes along with a few extra properties and functions that make it convenient for use in a game. In addition to having a TileGrid, it tracks the direction it's moving in, and holds a list of sprites with a next_sprite()
function for iterating through them to create animations. The other helpful one is the is_colliding()
function which allows you to test whether a given instance of Entity is colliding with a different instance of Entity. We'll use that to determine when the Player and Ghost touch each other.
class Entity: """ Entity helper class holds a TileGrid and keeps track of direction and a set of current sprites. Includes functions for iterating through the sprites to make animations and for checking on collissions with other Entities. """ # Direction Constants DIRECTION_UP = 0 DIRECTION_RIGHT = 1 DIRECTION_LEFT = 2 DIRECTION_DOWN = 3 DIRECTION_NONE = 4 def __init__( self, bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, pixel_shader: displayio.Palette, width: int = 1, height: int = 1, tile_width: int = 15, tile_height: int = 15, default_tile: int = 0 ): # default direction is NONE subclasses can override it self._direction = self.DIRECTION_NONE # initialize the tilegrid for showing sprite(s) self._tilegrid = displayio.TileGrid( bitmap, pixel_shader=pixel_shader, width=width, height=height, tile_width=tile_width, tile_height=tile_height, default_tile=default_tile, ) # keep property variables for size self.width = tile_width * width self.height = tile_height * height # sprites for the animation (None by default, subclasses or game activity can change them) self.current_sprites = [] self.sprite_index = 0 def next_sprite(self): """ Advance to the next sprite in the sequence for animation. :return: None """ self.sprite_index += 1 if self.sprite_index >= len(self.current_sprites): self.sprite_index = 0 self._tilegrid[0, 0] = self.current_sprites[self.sprite_index] @property def x(self): """ X pixel position of the tilegrid on the display :return: int x location """ return self._tilegrid.x @property def y(self): """ Y pixel position of the tilegrid on the display :return: int y location """ return self._tilegrid.y @x.setter def x(self, new_x): self._tilegrid.x = new_x @y.setter def y(self, new_y): # print("y setter") self._tilegrid.y = new_y @property def tilegrid(self): """ The tilegrid used to show sprite(s) :return: TileGrid """ return self._tilegrid def is_colliding(self, _other_entity): """ Check if this entity is colliding with another entity. :param _other_entity: another entity to check ourself against :return: True if this instance is colidding with the _other_entity """ _colliding_x = False _colliding_y = False length_x = abs(self.x - _other_entity.x) half_width_self = self.width / 2 half_width_other = _other_entity.width / 2 gap_between = length_x - half_width_self - half_width_other if (gap_between > 0): pass elif (gap_between == 0): pass elif (gap_between < 0): _colliding_x = True length_y = abs(self.y - _other_entity.y) half_height_self = self.height / 2 half_height_other = _other_entity.height / 2 gap_between = length_y - half_height_self - half_height_other if (gap_between > 0): pass elif (gap_between == 0): pass elif (gap_between < 0): _colliding_y = True # print("colliding x: {} - y: {}".format(_colliding_x, _colliding_y)) return _colliding_x and _colliding_y def game_tick(self, game_obj): """ Subclasses override this to add behavior to the entity. :return: """
The Player class extends Entity, so it gets all of the behavior, properties and functions from Entity and adds a few of it's own on top of those. Player handles changing to the appropriate sprites when the player changes directions. It also has a game_tick()
which will get called on each iteration of the main game loop. Inside of game_tick()
Player will handle moving in the current direction by one step. It will also call the next_sprite()
function inherited from Entity when enough time has elapsed since the previous animation frame was drawn. Lastly, there is logic to teleport the player from one edge to the other once they reach the far left or right of the display.
class Player(Entity): """ Player helper class manages behavior and graphics for the player character. """ ANIMATION_DELAY = 200 # ms between chomp animation MOVE_DELAY = 6 # ms between movement steps RIGHT_SPRITES = (0, 5) LEFT_SPRITES = (2, 7) UP_SPRITES = (1, 6) DOWN_SPRITES = (3, 8) def __init__(self, bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, pixel_shader: displayio.Palette, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(bitmap, pixel_shader, *args, **kwargs) # now = ticks_ms() now = time.monotonic_ns() // 1000000 # initialize the movement and animation timestamps self.last_animation_time = now self.last_move_time = now def game_tick(self, game_obj): """ Main behavior function for Player movement :param game_obj: ChomperGame object for accessing variables and changing things :return: True if the tick results in the display needing to be refreshed, otherwise False """ # now = ticks_ms() now = time.monotonic_ns() // 1000000 # if it's been long enough since the last movement if now > self.last_move_time + Player.MOVE_DELAY: # update the last moved timestamp self.last_move_time = now # if it's been long enough since the last aninmation sprite frame if self.last_animation_time + Player.ANIMATION_DELAY < now: # change sprites self.next_sprite() # update animation timestmp self.last_animation_time = now if self.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT: # we're moving right, x location increases self.x += 1 if self.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT: # we're moving left, x location decreases self.x -= 1 # if we made it to an edge, teleport to the other side if self.x < 0 - self.width: self.x = game_obj.display_size[0] // 3 elif self.x > game_obj.display_size[0] // 3: self.x = 0 return True return False @property def direction(self): """ whether the player is facing left or right :return: either Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT or Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT """ return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self, new_direction): """ Update the direction of the player :param new_direction: Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT or Entity.DIRECTION_Right :return: None """ # update the sprites for chomp animation based on new direction if new_direction == self.DIRECTION_RIGHT: self.current_sprites = self.RIGHT_SPRITES if new_direction == self.DIRECTION_LEFT: self.current_sprites = self.LEFT_SPRITES # update direction variable self._direction = new_direction
The Ghost class also extends Entity. It's structured the same as Player with a game_tick()
function called each iteration of the main loop. The logic inside of Ghost's game_tick()
function enables the following behaviors:
- Move the Ghost one step in the current direction.
- Keep track of whether the Ghost is currently edible for the Player or not.
- Turn to face the player so we chase them.
- If we are edible due to the Player eating a large pellet, then face away from them instead so that we run away.
- When the time comes, start the blinking animation to warn the player that the vulnerability window is nearly closed.
- Calling
to advance the animation frames at the appropriate intervals. - Change the Ghost back to the normal, more dangerous, mode when the vulnerability window runs out.
- When the Ghost has been eaten by the player change the sprite to its eyes only and fly them off of the screen
class Ghost(Entity): """ Ghost helper class manages behavior and graphics for the enemy ghost. """ # Time based variables ANIMATION_DELAY = 100 # ms MOVE_DELAY = 8 # ms EDIBLE_DURATION = 2000 # ms EDIBLE_WARNING_DURATION = 1000 # ms # state machine state variables: # normal ghost eats pacman and results in gameover STATE_NORMAL = 0 # edible ghost can be eaten by pacman for points STATE_EDIBLE = 1 # edible warning state blinks the ghost to warn player STATE_EDIBLE_WARNING = 2 # after the ghost is eaten by pacman its eyes fly off the screen STATE_DESPAWN_FLYOFF = 3 def __init__(self, bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, pixel_shader: displayio.Palette, *args, **kwargs): """ :param bitmap: sprite Bitmap object :param pixel_shader: sprite palette :param args: any other positional arguments to pass to parent class :param kwargs: any other keyword arguments to pass to parent class """ super().__init__(bitmap, pixel_shader, *args, **kwargs) # last time we moved self.last_move_time = time.monotonic() # whether we are edible self._edible = False # when we turned edible self.turned_edible_at = None # when we need to start blinking self.edible_warn_time = None # last time we blinked self.last_animation_time = 0 # state machine current state self.current_state = Ghost.STATE_NORMAL @property def edible(self): """ Whether the ghost is edible :return: True if ghost is edible otherwise False """ return self._edible @edible.setter def edible(self, new_val): # if ghost is becoming edible if new_val: # set the sprite to blue ghost self.tilegrid[0, 0] = 18 # current timestamp # now = ticks_ms() now = time.monotonic_ns() // 1000000 # save timestampe we turned edible self.turned_edible_at = now # set the time we need to start blinking self.edible_warn_time = now + (Ghost.EDIBLE_DURATION - Ghost.EDIBLE_WARNING_DURATION) # if ghost is becoming non-edible else: # set the sprite to normal red ghost self.tilegrid[0, 0] = 12 # clear out the turned edible at timestamp self.turned_edible_at = None # update the _edible boolean self._edible = new_val def game_tick(self, game_obj): """ Main behavior action function for the Ghost. Gets called by ChomperGame.game_tick(). Checks the current state and acts accordingly. :param game_obj: The ChomperGame object to access variables and update things :return: True if the action resulted in display needing to be refreshed, otherwise False """ # now = ticks_ms() now = time.monotonic_ns() // 1000000 need_refresh = False # Top level if statements to check current state within the state machine # process movement for normal, edible, and blinking states if self.current_state in (Ghost.STATE_NORMAL, Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE, Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE_WARNING): # if it's been long enough since the last movement if now > self.last_move_time + Ghost.MOVE_DELAY: # update the last moved timestamp self.last_move_time = now # Check direction and prevent Ghost from moving thru the edges if self.x < (game_obj.display_size[0] // 3) - 16 and self.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT: # we're moving right, increase x position self.x += 1 if self.x > 0 and self.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT: # we're moving left, decrease x position self.x -= 1 need_refresh = True # normal state ghost faces toward the player to chase them if self.current_state == Ghost.STATE_NORMAL: if self.x < game_obj.player_entity.x: self.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT elif self.x > game_obj.player_entity.x: self.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT # edible and blinking faces away from the player to run away from them elif self.current_state in (Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE, Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE_WARNING): if self.x < game_obj.player_entity.x: self.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT else: self.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT # edible state needs to determine when to blink if self.current_state == Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE: # if it's time to start warning blinks if self.edible_warn_time and now > self.edible_warn_time: # set sprites to blue and white ghosts for blinking self.current_sprites = (19, 18) # update the state machine current state variable self.current_state = Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE_WARNING # blinking state needs to animate sprites and determine # when to go back to normal state if self.current_state == Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE_WARNING: # if it's time to change sprites for the animation if now > self.last_animation_time + Ghost.ANIMATION_DELAY: # change to next sprite in the animation self.next_sprite() # if it's time to go back to normal if self.turned_edible_at and now > self.turned_edible_at + Ghost.EDIBLE_DURATION: # update the sprite to normal red ghost self.tilegrid[0, 0] = 12 # set edible property and state machine variable self.edible = False self.current_state = Ghost.STATE_NORMAL # despawn flyoff state needs to fly the eyes off the screen # and determine when to respawn the new ghost if self.current_state == Ghost.STATE_DESPAWN_FLYOFF: # if it's time to move the eyes if now > self.last_move_time + Ghost.MOVE_DELAY: self.last_move_time = now # check direction and move. Stopping at the edge if self.x < game_obj.display_size[0] // 3 and self.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT: self.x += 2 if self.x > 0 and self.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT: self.x -= 2 # if we hit the edge, it's time to respawn a new Ghost if self.x <= 0 or self.x >= game_obj.display_size[0] // 3: # set the state to normal self.current_state = Ghost.STATE_NORMAL # clear out the warning timestamp self.edible_warn_time = None # set the sprite to normal red ghost self.tilegrid[0, 0] = 12 # set edible property false for new ghost self.edible = False # spawn the new ghost at the edge furthest away from the player spawn_left = game_obj.player_entity.x >= (game_obj.display_size[0] // 2) // 3 if spawn_left: self.x = 0 else: self.x = 21 * 15 return need_refresh
If Player and Ghost are the puppets, then ChomperGame is the puppeteer. It makes use of the other helper classes and manages the entire game. ChomperGame has a game_tick()
function too, within which it calls game_tick()
on the Player and Ghost respectively as well as handling a few other aspects of the game.
ChomperGame extends displayio.Group, so it's ready to be set as the root_group
of a display or added to another Group as needed. Because it's a Group it also supports the scale
property, by default this game uses a scale of 3 so that the sprites can be relatively small on disk and in RAM, but then be drawn visibly larger on the display.
The ChomperGame class is responsible for the following:
- Initialize the background and map TileGrids, as well as the Player and Ghost objects.
function which fills the board with pellets. One big pellet at random and the rest small. - Initialize the text Labels for showing the score, multiplier, high score, and game over messages.
- Keep track of score and multiplier values, and update their text in the UI.
- Read the high score from NVM, show it in the UI and update when the player beats it.
- When the player moves onto a tile with a pellet, change the tile to empty and add to the score.
- When the player eats a big pellet, set the Ghost to edible.
- When all of the pellets in play have been eaten spawn a new batch of them and increase the multiplier.
- Check for collisions between the Player and Ghost and act according to whether the Ghost is currently edible.
- Show the Game Over text and pause all other activity when the Player touches the non-edible Ghost.
class ChomperGame(displayio.Group): """ Game helper class manages behavior and graphics for the entire game. Extends displayio.Group so it can be shown on a display directly, or added to another Group to be shown. Also supports Group scaling which is used by default at scale=3. """ EMPTY_MAP_TILE = 17 PLAYER_TILE = 0 EASY_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD = 5 MEDIUM_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD = 10 HARD_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD = 20 VERYHARD_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD = 40 INSANE_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD = 80 def __init__( self, display_size, ): super().__init__() # variables for score and multiplier self.score = 0 self.multiplier = 1 # display_size tuple referenced to know where the edges of the map are self.display_size = display_size # boolean for game over state self.game_over = False # Load the sprite sheet (bitmap) self._sprite_sheet, self._palette = adafruit_imageload.load("1d_chomper_spritesheet.bmp") # "green screen" transparent color self._palette.make_transparent(0) # sprites are 15px square self._tile_width = 15 self._tile_height = 15 # Create the background TileGrid. It will be flat black # with everything else drawn on top. self._background_tilegrid = displayio.TileGrid(self._sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=self._palette, width=21, height=3, tile_width=self._tile_width, tile_height=self._tile_height, default_tile=ChomperGame.EMPTY_MAP_TILE) # Create the map TileGrid. It will contain the blue line walls, pellets, and empty tiles self._map_tilegrid = displayio.TileGrid(self._sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=self._palette, width=21, height=3, tile_width=self._tile_width, tile_height=self._tile_height, default_tile=ChomperGame.EMPTY_MAP_TILE) self._map_tilegrid.x = 2 self._map_tilegrid.y = 12 # spawn the top and bottom wall tiles for i in range(21): self._map_tilegrid[i, 0] = 13 self._map_tilegrid[i, 2] = 13 # create the pellets and keep a variable to count them self.spawn_pellets() self.pellets_in_play = 21 # create player object self._player_entity = Player( self._sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=self._palette, width=1, height=1, tile_width=self._tile_width, tile_height=self._tile_height, default_tile=ChomperGame.PLAYER_TILE ) self._player_entity.y = 12 + 15 # add tilegrids to self Group instance self.append(self._background_tilegrid) self.append(self._map_tilegrid) self.append(self._player_entity.tilegrid) # create the ghost object ghost = Ghost(self._sprite_sheet, self._palette, default_tile=12) ghost.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT ghost.x = 21 * 15 ghost.y = 12 + 15 self.append(ghost.tilegrid) self.ghost = ghost # create labels for score, multiplier, highscore and gameover # Score label, top left self.score_lbl = Label(terminalio.FONT, text="Score:") self.score_lbl.anchor_point = (0, 0) self.score_lbl.anchored_position = (1, 1) self.append(self.score_lbl) # Score Value, top left self.score_value_lbl = Label(terminalio.FONT, text="0") self.score_value_lbl.anchor_point = (0, 0) self.score_value_lbl.anchored_position = (40, 1) self.append(self.score_value_lbl) # Multiplier label, top middle self.multiplier_lbl = Label(terminalio.FONT, text="x") self.multiplier_lbl.anchor_point = (0, 0) self.multiplier_lbl.anchored_position = (110, 1) self.append(self.multiplier_lbl) # Multiplier value, top middle self.multiplier_value_lbl = Label(terminalio.FONT, text="0") self.multiplier_value_lbl.anchor_point = (0, 0) self.multiplier_value_lbl.anchored_position = (118, 1) self.append(self.multiplier_value_lbl) # Gameover, bottom middle self.gameover_lbl = Label(terminalio.FONT, text="Game Over") self.gameover_lbl.anchor_point = (0.5, 1.0) self.gameover_lbl.anchored_position = ((self.display_size[0] // 2) // 3, self.display_size[1] // 3 - 5) # Highscore, top right. # Doesn't need separate label and value because it doesn't update during the game loop self.highscore_value_lbl = Label(terminalio.FONT, text="HI: 100") self.highscore_value_lbl.anchor_point = (1.0, 0) self.highscore_value_lbl.anchored_position = ((self.display_size[0] // 3) - 4, 1) self.append(self.highscore_value_lbl) self.highscore = 0 try: # read data from NVM storage read_data = nvm_helper.read_data() # if we found data check if it's a highscore value if type(read_data) == list and read_data[0] == "1dc_hs": # it is a highscore so populate the label with its value self.highscore_value_lbl.text = f"HI: {read_data[1]}" self.highscore = read_data[1] except EOFError: # No saved Highscore pass def update_score(self): """ Update the score and multiplier value labels with teir current values :return: None """ self.score_value_lbl.text = str(self.score) self.multiplier_value_lbl.text = str(self.multiplier) def change_map_tile(self, tile_coords, new_tile_index): """ Change a tile on the map to a different type :param tile_coords: Tuple (x, y) of coordinates in the map tilegrid to change :param new_tile_index: int new tile index value to set at the specified location :return: None """ self._map_tilegrid[tile_coords[0], tile_coords[1]] = new_tile_index @property def player_entity(self): """ The player entity helper object :return: Player object """ return self._player_entity def spawn_pellets(self): """ Fill the center row of the map with pellets. One is randomly chosen to be a big pellet instead of small. :return: None """ # random choice for big pellet big_pellet_loc = random.randint(0, 20) # loop over tiles for i in range(21): if big_pellet_loc == i: # set the big pellet in its chosen location self._map_tilegrid[i, 1] = 9 else: # set small pellets everywhere else self._map_tilegrid[i, 1] = 4 # reset the pellet counter variable self.pellets_in_play = 21 def game_tick(self): """ Main "heartbeat" function of the game. This will get called over and over from the main file. game_tick() is responsible for carrying out all game logic and updating visible components. :return: None """ # if the game is over just return so nothing else happens. # game is effectively paused during game over, waiting on # the player to start a new game. if self.game_over: return # print(ticks_ms()) # player takes action self.player_entity.game_tick(self) # player location in tile coordinate space if self.player_entity.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT: current_coords = (self.player_entity.x // 15, 1) elif self.player_entity.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT: current_coords = ((self.player_entity.x + 1) // 15, 1) try: # check the tile type at the player's location current_tile_type = self._map_tilegrid[current_coords] except IndexError: # player is teleporting between sides right now current_tile_type = ChomperGame.EMPTY_MAP_TILE # if it's a pellet if current_tile_type in (4, 9): # pellet, big pellet # remove the pellet, set the tile to empty self.change_map_tile(current_coords, ChomperGame.EMPTY_MAP_TILE) # add points to score self.score += 1 * self.multiplier # subtract a pellet from the count variable self.pellets_in_play -= 1 # if the last pellet was eaten if self.pellets_in_play == 0: # make new pellets self.spawn_pellets() # add 1 to the multiplier self.multiplier += 1 # increase difficulty if we reached a threshold if self.multiplier == ChomperGame.EASY_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD: self.ghost.MOVE_DELAY -= 1 if self.multiplier == ChomperGame.MEDIUM_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD: self.ghost.MOVE_DELAY -= 1 if self.multiplier == ChomperGame.HARD_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD: self.ghost.MOVE_DELAY -= 1 self.player_entity.MOVE_DELAY -= 1 if self.multiplier == ChomperGame.VERYHARD_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD: self.ghost.MOVE_DELAY -= 1 if self.multiplier == ChomperGame.INSANE_DIFFICULTY_THRESHOLD: self.ghost.MOVE_DELAY -= 1 # update the score labels in the UI self.update_score() # if it was a big pellet if current_tile_type == 9: # if the ghost is currently normal state, it becomes edible if self.ghost.current_state in (Ghost.STATE_NORMAL, Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE, Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE_WARNING): # set the state and edible property self.ghost.current_state = Ghost.STATE_EDIBLE self.ghost.edible = True # ghost takes action self.ghost.game_tick(self) # if the player is touching the ghost and the ghost isn't currently flying off to despawn if self.player_entity.is_colliding(self.ghost) \ and not self.ghost.current_state == Ghost.STATE_DESPAWN_FLYOFF: # if the ghost is in normal state, non-edible if not self.ghost.edible: # set the gameover boolean self.game_over = True # show the gameover text at bottom middle of display self.append(self.gameover_lbl) # if the score is greater than the previous highscore if self.score > self.highscore: # save new high score value to NVM storage nvm_helper.save_data(("1dc_hs", self.score), test_run=False) # update the highscore variable for comparison after the next game self.highscore = self.score # update the highscore text in the UI self.highscore_value_lbl.text = f"HI: {self.highscore}" # sleep a bit to ignore any btn presses that were intended for turning, # not starting next game. time.sleep(0.5) else: # ghost is edible, nomnomnom # set the ghost state to despawn flyoff self.ghost.current_state = Ghost.STATE_DESPAWN_FLYOFF # change ghost's direction self.ghost.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT if self.ghost.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT else Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT # set the ghost sprite to eyes only self.ghost.tilegrid[0, 0] = 23 # add points to player's score self.score += 2 * self.multiplier # if there are no big pellets on the map if not self.big_pellet_exists(): # convert one small pellet to a big one self.convert_pellet_to_big() def convert_pellet_to_big(self): """ Convert a random existing small pellet to a big one :return: None """ # check which pellets are currently up pellet_locs = self.find_pellets() # choose a random one of them chosen_pellet = random.choice(pellet_locs) # update it's sprite to big pellet self._map_tilegrid[chosen_pellet, 1] = 9 def big_pellet_exists(self): """ Check if any big pellets exist :return: True if there is at least one big pellet on the map """ for i in range(21): if self._map_tilegrid[i, 1] == 9: return True def find_pellets(self): """ Find all pellet locations :return: List of x location indexes containing small pellets """ pellet_locs = [] for i in range(21): if self._map_tilegrid[i, 1] == 4: pellet_locs.append(i) return pellet_locs def restart(self): """ Reset everything and start a new game :return: None """ # move player to the left side self.player_entity.x = 15 # move ghost to the right side self.ghost.x = ((self.display_size[0] // 4) * 3) // 3 # respawn pellets self.spawn_pellets() # set game_over to False self.game_over = False # reset score and multiplier self.score = 0 self.multiplier = 1 # update score and multiplier in the UI self.update_score() # remove the gameover text self.remove(self.gameover_lbl)
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