The main for the project is fairly small and simple. The bulk of the game logic and functionality is handled in the helper classes, which you can learn about over on their own page.
The script initializes the ChomperGame helper class and Qualia display driver library, as well as the digitalio input on pin A0
In the main loop of the code, it calls game_tick()
on the ChomperGame process a tick of action within the game. Lastly, it polls the button digitalio input, and when pressed, accesses the Player object via the ChomperGame and changes its direction to the opposite of whichever way it was headed. If the Player had already been nabbed by a Ghost and the game was over, then the button press will start up a new round to play again.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Tim Cocks # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ 1D Chomper Circuitpython based 1 dimensional pacman style game inspired by Paku Paku. """ import board from adafruit_qualia import Qualia from import Displays from chomper_1d_lib import ChomperGame, Entity from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull # initialize the physical button on A0 btn = DigitalInOut(board.A0) btn.direction = Direction.INPUT btn.pull = Pull.DOWN btn_prev_val = btn.value # Create the Qualia object for the 240x960 display PID 5799 qualia = Qualia(Displays.BAR240X960) # OR create the Qualia object for the 320x960 display PID 5805 # qualia = Qualia(Displays.BAR320X960) display = qualia.display # Landscape orientation, mounted with ribbon cable coming off the left side of display. display.rotation = 270 # Create the Game object, passing in the display size game_obj = ChomperGame((display.width, display.height)) # set the Group scaling to 3x game_obj.scale = 3 # down a little bit from top of display game_obj.y = 10 # start the player moving to the right game_obj.player_entity.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT # set game_obj as the root_group to show it on the Display. display.root_group = game_obj # main loop while True: game_obj.game_tick() btn_cur_value = btn.value # if the button was pressed if btn_cur_value and not btn_prev_val: # If the game is currently playing if not game_obj.game_over: # change the Player to the opposite direction if game_obj.player_entity.direction == Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT: game_obj.player_entity.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_RIGHT else: game_obj.player_entity.direction = Entity.DIRECTION_LEFT # If the game is over else: # Restart to play again game_obj.restart() # update button variable for debouncing btn_prev_val = btn_cur_value
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